Supported port types

The supported port types depend on the back-end. There is, however, some flexibility.

Simple ports


Supported bindings: all

struct {
  float value;
} my_port;


Supported bindings: all except Max / Pd message processors (they will work in Max / Pd audio processors) as their API expect a pointer to an existing float value.

struct {
  double value;
} my_port;


Supported bindings: Same than double.

struct {
  int value;
} my_port;


Supported bindings: Same than double.

struct {
  bool value;
} my_port;

Note that depending on the widget you use, UIs may create a toggle, a maintained button or a momentary bang.


Supported bindings: ossia, Max, Pd, Python

struct {
  std::string value;
} my_port;


Supported bindings: all

Enumerations are interesting. There are multiple ways to implement them.

Mapping a string to a value

Consider the following port:

template<typename T>
using my_pair = std::pair<std::string_view, T>;
struct {
  halp_meta(name, "Enum 1");
  enum widget { combobox };

  struct range {
    my_pair<float> values[3]{{"Foo", -10.f}, {"Bar", 5.f}, {"Baz", 10.f}};
    int init{1}; // == Bar

  float value{}; // Will be initialized to 5.f
} combobox;

Here, using a range definition of the form:

struct range {
  <string -> value map> values[N] = {
    { key_1, value_1}, { key_2, value_2 }, ...

  <integer> init = /* initial index */;

allows to initialize a combobox in the UI, with a predetermined set of values. The value type is the actual one which will be used for the port - Avendish will translate as needed.

Enumerating with only string

Consider the following port:

struct {
  halp_meta(name, "Enum 2");
  enum widget { enumeration };

  struct range {
    std::string_view values[4]{"Roses", "Red", "Violets", "Blue"};
    int init{1}; // Red

  std::string_view value;

Here, we can use std::string_view: the assigned value will always be one from the range::values array ; these strings live in static memory so there is no need to duplicate them in an std::string.

It is also possible to use an int for the port value:

struct {
  halp_meta(name, "Enum 3");
  enum widget { enumeration };

  struct range {
    std::string_view values[4]{"Roses", "Red", "Violets", "Blue"};
    int init{1}; // Red

  int value{};

Here, the int will just be the index of the selected thing.

Enumerating with proper enums :-)

Finally, we can also use actual enums.

enum my_enum { A, B, C };
struct {
  halp_meta(name, "Enum 3");
  enum widget { enumeration };

  struct range
    std::string_view values[3]{"A", "B", "C"};
    my_enum init = my_enum::B;

  my_enum value{};

The enum must be contiguous, representable in an int32 and start at 0: enum { A = 3, B, C }; will not work. enum { A, B, C, AA = 10 }; will not work. enum { A, B, C, ... 4 billion values later ..., XXXX }; will not work. enum { A, B, C }; will work.

An helper is provided, which is sadly a macro as we cannot do proper enum reflection yet:

halp__enum("Simple Enum", Peg, Square, Peg, Round, Hole) my_port;

declares a port named "Simple Enum". The default value will be "Peg", the 4 enumerators are Square, Peg, Round, Hole.


Supported bindings: ossia

Containers are supported (in environments where this is meaningful) provided that they provide an API that matches:


template <typename T>
concept vector_ish = requires(T t)

For instance, boost::static_vector, boost::small_vector or absl::InlinedVector all satisfy this and can be used as a value type.

struct {
  std::vector<float> value;
} my_port;


For instance, std::set, std::unordered_set or boost::container::flat_set can be used as a value type.

struct {
  boost::container::flat_set<float> value;
} my_port;


For instance, std::map, std::unordered_map or boost::container::flat_map can be used as a value type.

struct {
  boost::container::flat_map<float> value;
} my_port;

C arrays

C arrays aren't supported due to limitations in the reflection capabilities of C++:

struct {
  int value[2]; // Won't work
} my_port;


struct {
  struct { int v[2]; } value; // Won't work
} my_port;

Use std::array instead.


Supported bindings: ossia

Types which look like std::variant (for instance boost::variant2::variant or mpark::variant) are supported.

struct {
  std::variant<int, bool, std::string> value;
} my_port;


Supported bindings: ossia

Types which look like std::optional (for instance boost::optional or tl::optional) are supported.

struct {
  std::optional<int> value;
} my_port;

This is used to give message semantics to the port: optionals are reset before execution of the current tick, both for inputs and outputs. If an input is set, it means that a message was received for this tick. If the processor sets the output, a message will be sent outwards.

This is mostly equivalent to messages and callbacks, but with a value-based instead of function-based API (and thus a small additional storage cost).

Advanced types

2D / 3D position: xy / xyz

Supported bindings: ossia

Here a special shape of struct is recognized:

struct {
  struct { float x, y; } value;
} my_port;


Supported bindings: ossia

Here a special shape of struct is recognized:

struct {
  struct { float r, g, b, a; } value;
} my_port;

Generalized aggregate types

Supported bindings: ossia

Aggregates are somewhat supported: that is, one can define

struct Foo {
  int a, b;
  struct {
    std::vector<float> c; 
    std::string d;
  } x; 
  std::array<bool, 4> e;
  std::map<std::string, int> f; 

and use this as a value type in a port. This is so far only supported in ossia, and will not preserve names, but be translated as:

(list) [
, (int)b
, (list) [ 
    (list)[ c0, c1, c2, ... ]
  , (string)"d"
, (list)[true, false, false, true]
, (map){"foo": 123, "bar": 456}

It is possible to specify field names in an aggregate manually, in order to have the sub-object be detected as a map and not a list:

struct rect { float x{}, y{}, w{}, h{}; };

struct detected_object
  std::string name;
  rect geometry;
  float probability{};

  halp_field_names(name, geometry, probability);
  // This macro expands to: 
  // static constexpr auto field_names()
  // { return std::array<std::string_view, 3>{"name", "geometry", "probability"}; }

This maps to:

(map) {
   name: "foo"
 , geometry: (list) [3, 4, 120, 356]
 , probability: 0.95

Helper type

To create a port ithout having to declare a struct, you can directly use:

halp::val_port<"My port", std::string> my_port;.