Writing audio processors

Supported bindings: ossia, vst, vst3, clap, Max, Pd

The processors we wrote until now only processed "control" values.

As a convention, those are values that change infrequently, relative to the audio rate: every few milliseconds, as opposed to every few dozen microseconds for individual audio samples.

Argument-based processors

Let's see how one can write a simple audio filter in Avendish:

struct MyProcessor
  static consteval auto name() { return "Distortion"; }

  float operator()(float input) 
    return std::tanh(input); 

That's it. That's the processor :-)

Maybe you are used to writing processors that operate with buffers of samples. Fear not, here is another valid Avendish audio processor, which should reassure most readers:

struct MyProcessor
  static consteval auto name() { return "Distortion"; }
  static consteval auto input_channels() { return 2; }
  static consteval auto output_channels() { return 2; }

  void operator()(double** inputs, double** outputs, int frames)
    for (int c = 0; c < input_channels(); ++c)
      for (int k = 0; k < frames; k++)
        outputs[c][k] = std::tanh(inputs[c][k]);

The middle-ground of a processor that processes a single channel is also possible (and so is the possibility to use floats or doubles for the definition of the processor):

struct MyProcessor
  static consteval auto name() { return "Distortion"; }

  void operator()(float* inputs, float* outputs, int frames)
    for (int k = 0; k < frames; k++)
      outputs[k] = std::tanh(inputs[k]);

Those are all ways that enable quickly writing very simple effects (although a lot of ground is already covered). For more advanced systems, with side-chains and such, it is preferable to use proper ports instead.

Port-based processors

Here are three examples of valid audio ports:

  • Sample-wise
struct {
  static consteval auto name() { return "In"; }
  float sample{};
  • Channel-wise
struct {
  static consteval auto name() { return "Out"; }
  float* channel{};
  • Bus-wise, with a fixed channel count. Here, bindings will ensure that there are always as many channels allocated.
struct {
  static consteval auto name() { return "Ins"; }
  static constexpr int channels() { return 2; }
  float** samples{}; // At some point this should be renamed bus...
  • Bus-wise, with a modifiable channel count. Here, bindings will put exactly as many channels as the end-user of the software requested ; this count will be contained in channels.
struct {
  static consteval auto name() { return "Outs"; }
  int channels = 0;
  double** samples{}; // At some point this should be renamed bus...

An astute reader may wonder why one could not fix a channel count by doing const int channels = 2; instead of int channels() { return 2; };. Sadly, this would make our types non-assignable, which makes things harder. It would also use bytes for each instance of the processor. A viable middle-ground could be static constexpr int channels = 2; but C++ does not allow static variables in unnamed types, thus this does not leave a lot of choice.

Process function for ports

For ports-based processor, the process function takes the number of frames as argument. Here is a complete, bare example of a gain processor.

struct Gain {
  static constexpr auto name() { return "Gain"; }
  struct {
    struct {
      static constexpr auto name() { return "Input"; }
      const double** samples;
      int channels;
    } audio;

    struct {
      static constexpr auto name() { return "Gain"; }
      struct range {
        const float min = 0.;
        const float max = 1.;
        const float init = 0.5;

      float value;
    } gain;
  } inputs;

  struct {
    struct {
      static constexpr auto name() { return "Output"; }
      double** samples;
      int channels;
    } audio;
  } outputs;
  void operator()(int N) {
    auto& in = inputs.audio.samples;
    auto& out = outputs.audio.samples;

    for (int i = 0; i < p1.channels; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) 
        out[i][j] = inputs.gain.value * in[i][j];


halp provides helper types for these common cases:

halp::audio_sample<"A", double> audio;
halp::audio_channel<"B", double> audio;
halp::fixed_audio_bus<"C", double, 2> audio;
halp::dynamic_audio_bus<"D", double> audio;

Important: it is not possible to mix different types of audio ports in a single processor: audio sample and audio bus operate necessarily on different time-scales that are impossible to combine in a single function. Technically, it would be possible to combine audio channels and audio buses, but for the sake of simplicity this is currently forbidden.

Likewise, it is forbidden to mix float and double inputs for audio ports (as it simply does not make sense: no host in existence is able to provide audio in two different formats at the same time).

Gain processor, helpers version

The exact same example as above, just shorter to write :)

struct Gain {
  static constexpr auto name() { return "Gain"; }
  struct {
    halp::dynamic_audio_bus<"Input", double> audio;
    halp::hslider_f32<"Gain", halp::range{0., 1., 0.5}> gain;
  } inputs;

  struct {
    halp::dynamic_audio_bus<"Output", double> audio;
  } outputs;
  void operator()(int N) {
    auto& in = inputs.audio;
    auto& out = outputs.audio;
    const float gain = inputs.gain;

    for (int i = 0; i < in.channels; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) 
        out[i][j] = gain * in[i][j];

Further work

We currently have the following matrix of possible forms of audio ports:

1 channelN channels
1 framefloat sample;???
N framesfloat* channel;float** samples;

For the N channels / 1 frame case, one could imagine for instance:

struct {
  float bus[2]; // Fixed channels case


struct {
  float* bus; // Dynamic channels case

to indicate a per-sample, multi-channel bus, but this has not been implemented yet.