MIDI synth example

This example is a very simple synthesizer. Note that for the sake of simplicity for the implementer, we use two additional libraries:

  • libremidi provides an useful enum of common MIDI messages types.
  • libossia provides frequency <-> MIDI note and gain <-> MIDI velocity conversion operations.
#pragma once
#include <halp/audio.hpp>
#include <halp/controls.hpp>
#include <halp/meta.hpp>
#include <halp/midi.hpp>
#include <halp/sample_accurate_controls.hpp>
#include <libremidi/message.hpp>
#include <ossia/network/dataspace/gain.hpp>
#include <ossia/network/dataspace/time.hpp>
#include <ossia/network/dataspace/value_with_unit.hpp>

namespace examples
 * This example exhibits a simple, monophonic synthesizer.
 * It relies on some libossia niceties.
struct Synth
  halp_meta(name, "My example synth");
  halp_meta(c_name, "synth_123");
  halp_meta(category, "Demo");
  halp_meta(author, "Jean-Michaƫl Celerier");
  halp_meta(description, "A demo synth");
  halp_meta(uuid, "93eb0f78-3d97-4273-8a11-3df5714d66dc");

    /** MIDI input: simply a list of timestamped messages.
     * Timestamp are in samples, 0 is the first sample.
    halp::midi_bus<"In"> midi;
  } inputs;

    halp::fixed_audio_bus<"Out", double, 2> audio;
  } outputs;

  struct conf
    int sample_rate{44100};
  } configuration;

  void prepare(conf c) { configuration = c; }

  int in_flight = 0;
  ossia::frequency last_note{};
  ossia::linear last_volume{};
  double phase = 0.;

  /** Simple monophonic synthesizer **/
  void operator()(int frames)
    // 1. Process the MIDI messages. We'll just play the latest note-on
    // in a not very sample-accurate way..

    for(auto& m : inputs.midi.midi_messages)
      // Let's ignore channels
      switch((libremidi::message_type)(m.bytes[0] & 0xF0))
        case libremidi::message_type::NOTE_ON:

          // Let's leverage the ossia unit conversion framework (adapted from Jamoma):
          // bytes is interpreted as a midi pitch and then converted to frequency.
          last_note = ossia::midi_pitch{m.bytes[1]};

          // Store the velocity in linear gain
          last_volume = ossia::midigain{m.bytes[2]};

        case libremidi::message_type::NOTE_OFF:

    // 2. Quit if we don't have any more note to play
    if(in_flight <= 0)

    // 3. Output some bleeps
    double increment
        = ossia::two_pi * last_note.dataspace_value / double(configuration.sample_rate);
    auto& out = outputs.audio.samples;

    for(int64_t j = 0; j < frames; j++)
      out[0][j] = last_volume.dataspace_value * std::sin(phase);
      out[1][j] = out[0][j];

      phase += increment;