Ports with the helper library
Here is how our processor looks with the current set of helpers:
#pragma once
#include <halp/controls.hpp>
struct MyProcessor
// halp_meta(A, B) expands to static consteval auto A() { return B; }
halp_meta(name, "Addition")
// In a perfect world one would just define attributes on the struct instead...
// [[name: "Addition"]]
// struct MyProcessor { ... };
// or more realistically, `static constexpr auto name = "foo";`
// which would be an acceptable compromise.
// val_port is a simple type which contains
// - a member value of type float
// - the name() metadata method
// - helper operators to allow easy assignment and use of the value.
halp::val_port<"a", float> a;
halp::val_port<"b", float> b;
} inputs;
halp::val_port<"out", float> out;
} outputs;
void operator()() { outputs.out = inputs.a + inputs.b; }
If one really does not like templates, the following macro could be defined instead to make custom ports:
#define my_value_port(Name, Type) \
struct { \
static consteval auto name() { return #Name; } \
Type value; \
} Name;
// Used like:
my_value_port(a, float)
my_value_port(b, std::string)
... etc ...
Likewise if one day the metaclasses proposal comes to pass, it will be possible to convert:
float a;
float b;
} inputs;
into a struct of the right shape, automatically, at compile-time, and all the current bindings will keep working.