Draw example

This example draw a triangle with two controls.

  • One control is an uniform exposed directly to the object.
  • Another is a CPU-only control which the author of the node then maps to another uniform in a custom way.
  • The texture also comes from the node's code.
#pragma once
#include <avnd/common/member_reflection.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <gpp/commands.hpp>
#include <gpp/meta.hpp>
#include <gpp/ports.hpp>
#include <halp/controls.hpp>
#include <halp/static_string.hpp>
namespace examples

struct GpuFilterExample
  halp_meta(name, "Helpers GPU pipeline");
  halp_meta(uuid, "ebe6f07a-5e7f-4cf8-bd2b-e5dc3e22a1f9");

  // Define the layout of our pipeline in C++ simply through the structure of a struct
  static constexpr struct layout
    struct vertex_input
      gpp_attribute(0, v_position, float[3], position)
      gpp_attribute(1, v_texcoord, float[2], texcoord)
    } vertex_input;

    struct vertex_output
      gpp_attribute(0, texcoord, float[2], texcoord)
      gpp::vertex_position_out position;
    } vertex_output;

    struct fragment_input
      gpp_attribute(0, texcoord, float[2], texcoord)
    } fragment_input;

    struct fragment_output
      gpp_attribute(0, fragColor, float[4], color)
    } fragment_output;

    // Define the ubos, samplers, etc.
    struct bindings
      struct custom_ubo
        halp_meta(name, "custom");
        halp_flags(std140, ubo);

        static constexpr int binding() { return 0; }

        gpp::uniform<"foo", float[2]> pad;
        gpp::uniform<"bar", float> slider;
      } ubo;

      gpp::sampler<"tex", 1> texture_input;
    } bindings;
  } lay{};
  using bindings = decltype(layout::bindings);
  using uniforms = decltype(bindings::ubo);

    // If samplers & buffers are referenced here the GPU side of things
    // will be automatically allocated as they are expect to come from "outside"
    gpp::uniform_control_port<halp::hslider_f32<"Alpha">, &uniforms::slider> bright;

    // It's also possible to have purely CPU-side controls to manage e.g. texture sizes, etc...
    halp::hslider_f32<"Other"> other;
  } inputs;

    gpp::color_attachment_port<"Main out", &layout::fragment_output::col> fragColor;
  } outputs;

  std::string_view vertex()
    return R"_(
void main()
  texcoord = v_texcoord;
  gl_Position = vec4(v_position.x / 3., v_position.y / 3, 0.0, 1.);

  std::string_view fragment()
    return R"_(
void main()
  fragColor = vec4(texture(tex, texcoord.xy * foo).rgb, bar) ;

  gpp::co_update update()
    // In this example we test the automatic UBO filling with the inputs declared above.

    // Here the surrounding environment makes sure that the UBO already has a handle
    auto ubo = co_yield gpp::get_ubo_handle{.binding = lay.bindings.ubo.binding()};

    // Upload some data into it, using an input (non-uniform) of our node
    using namespace std;
    float xy[2] = {cos(inputs.other), sin(inputs.other)};

    co_yield gpp::dynamic_ubo_upload{
        .handle = ubo, .offset = 0, .size = sizeof(xy), .data = &xy};

    // The sampler is not used by the inputs block, so we have to allocate it ourselves
    int sz = 16 * 16 * 4;
      this->tex_handle = co_yield gpp::texture_allocation{
          .binding = lay.bindings.texture_input.binding(), .width = 16, .height = 16};

    // And upload some data
    for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
      tex[i] = rand();

    co_yield gpp::texture_upload{
        .handle = tex_handle, .offset = 0, .size = sz, .data = tex.data()};

  gpp::co_release release()
      co_yield gpp::texture_release{.handle = tex_handle};
      tex_handle = nullptr;

  std::vector<uint8_t> tex;
  gpp::texture_handle tex_handle{};
